Get Involved
Take the Pledge
Help Safe Passage reach 10,000 pledges to protect wildlife in the Pigeon River Gorge. In areas where animals often travel, observe the speed limit, stay vigilant for wildlife entering the highway, secure food and trash in bear-resistant containers and teach others the importance of doing the same.
Follow Our Progress
Don’t miss a thing! Sign up to receive updates on Safe Passage’s research and progress in building safe crossings for wildlife in the Pigeon River Gorge. We’ll also include some of our best, recent animal shots for you to enjoy!
Spread the Word
Get in touch to book a Safe Passage speaker or educational event for your civic or community group or class. We have programs suitable for high school, college and ongoing adult education courses. Safe Passage also offers elementary and middle-school appropriate material centered around the book A Search for Safe Passage.
Help Fund This Project
Your support funds construction of wildlife crossings, connecting landscapes and making roads safer for wildlife and drivers. Donate now to Safe Passage, and you’ll help animals have a safe passage forever.
Click the button below to donate online, or mail a check — payable to Wildlands Network with “Safe Passage Fund” clearly marked on the check’s “for” section — to Safe Passage Fund c/o Wildlands Network at 329 W. Pierpont Ave., Suite 300, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84101.